MacWorld 1999 February
Macworld (1999-02).dmg
Games World
Xconq 7.2.2
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Text File
359 lines
(game-module "greek"
(title "Ancient Greece")
(blurb "base module for classical Greece, 500-350 BC")
(world-seen true)
(see-all false)
(world-size (60 30 2500))
("Last Side Wins" last-side-wins
(true (scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))))
(unit-type peltast
(help "light fast infantry"))
(unit-type hoplite
(help "heavy destructive infantry"))
(unit-type archer
(help "archers and slingers"))
(unit-type cavalry
(help "more like light cavalry"))
(unit-type trireme (char "T")
(help "three-decked ship - mainstay of the navies"))
(unit-type |siege engine| (image-name "catapult") (char "S")
(help "bashes cities (slowly)"))
(unit-type fortifications
(help "augments a polis' defense"))
(unit-type polis (image-name "walltown") (char "*")
(help "typical city-state"))
(unit-type metropolis (image-name "parthenon") (char "@")
(help "a large and powerful city"))
(define p peltast)
(define h hoplite)
(define a archer)
(define c cavalry)
(define T trireme)
(define S |siege engine|)
(define / fortifications)
(define * polis)
(define @ metropolis)
(add / image-name "camp")
(material-type food
(help "everybody needs food to survive"))
(material-type talents
(help "the unit of big money, funds ships and armies"))
(terrain-type sea (char "."))
(terrain-type plains (char "+"))
(terrain-type forest (char "%"))
(terrain-type desert (char "~"))
(terrain-type mountains (char "^"))
(terrain-type river (char "-")
(subtype border))
(define cities (* @))
(define places (/ * @))
(define ship-u* (T))
(define land-u* (p h a c S))
(define movers (p h a c T S))
(define water (sea river))
(define land (plains forest desert mountains))
(add water liquid true)
;;; Static relationships.
(table vanishes-on
(land-u* water true)
(places water true)
(ship-u* land true)
(add t* capacity 4)
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(u* t* 1) ; isn't this the default?
;; Cities and ships have relatively limited capacity.
(add u* capacity 0)
(add cities capacity 8)
(add trireme capacity 4)
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* u* 99)
((p h a c) trireme (2 2 1 4))
(movers cities 1)
;(table unit-capacity-x
; (cities / 4)
; )
;;; Unit-material capacities.
(table unit-storage-x
(u* food (2 2 2 2 100 0 50 50 200))
(u* talents (0 80 0 0 120 0 1000 2000 8000))
;;; Vision.
;; A month's time is sufficient for news about cities
;; to get around everywhere.
(add cities see-always true)
;;; Actions.
;; A turn is a whole month, so lots can happen.
(add u* acp-per-turn (16 12 16 32 24 4 0 1 1))
;;; Movement.
(add places speed 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(land-u* water 99)
(land-u* mountains 2)
(ship-u* land 99)
;;; Construction.
(add u* cp (20 20 6 12 6 12 1 1 1))
(table acp-to-create
(* movers 1)
(@ movers 1)
(table acp-to-build
(* movers 1)
(@ movers 1)
;; Production.
(table base-production
((p h a c) food 1)
(cities food (5 20))
(cities talents 1)
(table productivity
(u* (desert mountains) 0)
(table base-consumption
((p h a c) food 1)
(cities food (5 20))
(h talents 10)
(T talents 10)
(table hp-per-starve
((p h) food 10)
((a c) food 1)
(cities food 5)
(h talents 10)
(T talents 9.50)
;;; Combat.
;; p h a c T S / * @
(add u* hp-max (20 20 4 4 10 2 10 20 40))
(table acp-to-attack
(u* u* 8)
(S u* 4)
(table hit-chance
;; p h a c T S / * @
(p u* (40 20 50 40 10 30 10 0 0))
(h u* (60 40 50 50 70 50 70 20 10))
(a u* (50 20 30 30 60 30 0 0 0))
(c u* (60 30 50 50 50 60 50 0 0))
(T u* ( 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0))
(S u* ( 0 0 0 0 0 5 99 99 99))
(/ u* ( 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0))
(* u* ( 0 40 0 0 0 10 0 0 0))
(@ u* ( 0 80 0 0 0 20 0 0 0))
(table damage
(u* u* 1)
(h u* 2)
(S cities 4)
(table capture-chance
;; Only hoplites can capture anything.
(h S 50)
(h * 10)
(h @ 5)
;;; Backdrop.
(table attrition
((p h) t* 50)
((a c) t* 10)
(table accident-vanish-chance
;; Ships disappeared all the time back then.
(T sea 5.00)
;; The allegiances of cities weren't what they could be...
(add cities revolt-chance 10)
;; The mere presence of a hoplite army might cause the city
;; to change sides.
(table surrender-chance
(cities h (10 5))
(cities / (10 5))
(table surrender-range
(cities h 1)
(cities / 1)
(set event-notices '(
((unit-starved hoplite) (0 " is unpaid and goes home."))
((unit-starved trireme) (0 " is unpaid and goes home."))
(set event-narratives '(
((unit-starved hoplite) (0 " was not paid and went home"))
((unit-starved hoplite) (0 " was not paid and went home"))
;;; Random generation.
(set alt-blob-density 10000)
(set alt-blob-size 40)
(set alt-smoothing 1)
(set wet-blob-density 2000)
(set wet-blob-size 100)
(add t* alt-percentile-min ( 0 70 70 70 90 0))
(add t* alt-percentile-max ( 70 90 90 90 100 0))
(add t* wet-percentile-min ( 0 20 80 0 0 0))
(add t* wet-percentile-max (100 80 100 20 100 0))
(set edge-terrain sea) ; the river Oceanus
(add @ start-with 1)
(add h start-with 1)
(add T start-with 1)
(add * independent-near-start 3)
;; Try to get countries on the coast.
(add (sea plains) country-terrain-min (1 1))
(table independent-density
(* (plains desert) (200 50)))
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 100)
(u* sea 0)
(ship-u* sea 100)
(table unit-initial-supply
(u* m* 9999)
;; Cities have food, though never as much as they would like.
(cities food (30 120))
;; All cities have some money.
(cities talents (10 40))
(set calendar '(usual month))
(world 2500 (year-length 12)) ; big world, can't circumnavigate.
;;; An assortment of city-states. The famous ones are weighted more heavily.
(set side-library '(
(10 (name "Athens") (adjective "Athenian"))
(10 (name "Sparta") (adjective "Spartan"))
(5 (name "Corinth") (adjective "Corinthian"))
(5 (name "Thebes") (adjective "Theban"))
(3 (name "Argos") (adjective "Argive"))
(2 (name "Megara") (adjective "Megaran"))
(2 (name "Miletus") (adjective "Miletan"))
(2 (name "Messene") (adjective "Messenian"))
(2 (name "Syracuse") (adjective "Syracusan"))
(2 (name "Ephesus") (adjective "Ephesian"))
(2 (name "Delos") (adjective "Delian"))
((name "Lemnos") (adjective "Lemnian"))
((name "Ambracia") (adjective "Ambraciot"))
((name "Phokia") (adjective "Phokian"))
((name "Chios") (adjective "Chian"))
((name "Gelos") (adjective "Geloan"))
((name "Caria") (adjective "Carian"))
((name "Lokria") (adjective "Lokrian"))
((name "Melos") (adjective "Melian"))
((name "Phlias") (adjective "Phliasian"))
((name "Samos") (adjective "Samian"))
((name "Thuria") (adjective "Thurian"))
((name "Tegea") (adjective "Tegean"))
((name "Dolope") (adjective "Dolopian"))
((name "Olynthia") (adjective "Olynthian"))
((name "Elis") (adjective "Elean"))
((name "Lucania") (adjective "Lucanian"))
((name "Kythera") (adjective "Kytheran"))
((name "Skios") (adjective "Skionian"))
(game-module (notes (
"This time strictly covers about 500 to 350 B.C. Land warfare"
"was most significant, with some notable sea-fights. Cities were nearly"
"untakeable, so the action centered around sieges and field battles."
"The numbers border on the plausible, but again this one has not been"
"played enough to find the imbalances even, let alone decide on good"
(add peltast notes
"Useful in skirmishes."
(add hoplite notes
"Hoplite (heavy infantry). For the capture of cities by assault."
(add archer notes
(add cavalry notes
"Fast, but ineffective against cities."
(add trireme notes
"Use this for everything naval."
(add |siege engine| notes (
"During the Classical period, siege engines were uncommon."
"This is reflected in the difficulty of building these, and"
"the difficulty of transporting them to the desired location."
;;; Should add variable loyalties.
(game-module (design-notes (
"Time scale is one month."